God’s Garden — The God's Garden ministry focuses on Care for Others — by growing produce to share with local organizations addressing food security; Care for Creation — by utilizing and teaching growing practices that sustain and support life rather than harm; and Care of Self — by exploring and promoting the therapeutic benefits of gardening. There are lots of opportunities to get involved. Contact Ashleigh Altemann.
CARES of Farmington Hills — CARES offers needed support for families in our area that have limited access to everyday necessities due to insufficient financial resources or family instability. You can help by purchasing needed items and bringing them to church, or by delivering items to CARES. Contact Nancy Janik.
CROP Walk – Join the Farmington Area CROP Walk as a walker or support St. John walkers! Ashleigh Altemann.
Blood Drives – We host a Red Cross Blood Drive four times per year. If you are not able to donate, you can encourage family members and friends who are eligible to come and donate. Contact Cindi Sailus.
LWR Kits – Each year we provide about 100 School kits and 100 Personal Care kits to Lutheran World Relief. You can provide items, help assemble and pack kits and/or help deliver the kits to the shipping point. Assembly and packing usually takes place in October. Contact Patty Oates.
Quilters – Help make quilts for Lutheran World Relief!
Quilts can be used as a blanket, a shelter or a
container for personal possessions. Help sew, assemble
and pack quilts. Donate fabric or old sheets for quilt
backs. This activity takes place all year round. Quilts
are packed and shipped in October. Contact
Penny Brugman.
Adopt-a-Family Bell Tree – Take a bell from the tree,
buy a gift for someone in need. The Bell Tree goes up
right after Thanksgiving. Contact Patty Oates.
The Residence – Our parsonage now serves a small group home housing three men with developmental disabilities. Community Living Centers provides all of their care, but there are opportunities to help. Contact Kevin O’Brien.
Pathways in Compassion – Approximately half of all the people in nursing homes have been essentially abandoned. They have no visitors and no one to advocate for them. This ministry will create a partnership between St. John and one or more local nursing homes. Volunteers will visit residents on a regular basis, developing a relationship with them. Training is available. Contact Gilda Bingham.
Compassion Communication Center – A new ministry is beginning! Currently there is a shortage of people to provide care in nursing homes and group homes. This is partly because organizations don’t cast a vision of the missional value of the work. We hope to cast a missional vision of people being God’s hands and feet by doing this kind of work. Watch for more information. Contact Kevin O’Brien.
Tutoring Ministry — St. John provides a free tutoring program and we are always in need of tutors in reading and math. Training will be provided. Tutoring sessions are held weekly in the evening at the church and last one hour. Contact Shirley George.