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Find Your Gifts — Everyone, whether attached to a church or in an active relationship with God, is a child of God, wonderfully created! God has created you uniquely. You are the only you on Earth, and you were created with certain gifts and talents. We all have the ability to accomplish things with our unique gifts among the people and places where God has placed us — things that only we can accomplish. We were created on purpose, for a purpose, with a purpose. If you’re interested in discovering your gifts contact Kevin O'Brien.


Small Group Ministry — We offer periodic Small Groups which provide opportunity for people’s gifts to be nourished and applied. Groups of 8-10 people gather to discuss matters of life and faith. As we read God's word together we learn from each other's views and experiences. contact Kevin O'Brien.


Bible Study — Pastor Mark leads Bible study on Thursday mornings in the conference room. You are welcome to join! Contact Pastor Mark.


Men’s Breakfast — St. John men get together every Thursday morning at
L. George’s restaurant (24250 Sinacola – Grand River just west of M-5) for food, fellowship and Bible study. Contact Dave Elias.


The Last Wednesday Fellowship — St John gathers in the evening on the last Wednesday of the month to share food and fellowship. Contact Caran Hoffman or Loraine Stear.


Special Event Fellowship — From time to time we may gather for a special seasonally themed fellowship event.  Contact Ashleigh Altemann.


Financial and Volunteer Support of the Mission — There are many ways to support our mission and find your place to use your God given time, talent, and treasure!  Contact Kevin O'Brien.

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