Finance Team — Help keep tabs on our spending and plan the coming year’s budget. Contact Dave Androvich.
Counters — Count the offering each week following the service. You would only need to serve once every few weeks. Contact Barbara Dresden.
Audit Committee — Once a year the Board appoints a team to do an audit to make sure our bookkeeping and accounting are accurate and properly managed. You can help! Contact Board President John Dresden.

Donate to St. John — There are several ways to provide financial support to St. John’s ministries:
bring your gift to the Sunday service and put it in the plate during the collection,
mail it to the church office,
give online at
Facilities Maintenance — In a building the size, age and complexity of St. John, there’s always something to be maintained or repaired. Sometimes we just need things to be moved around, and of course our landscape needs to be maintained. If you are willing to do any kind of maintenance, contact Dave Androvich and he will put your name on a list to be called as needed.
The Monday Guys — The Monday guys show up every Monday morning to clean the areas of the church not covered by our professional cleaning service and to do light maintenance. Contact Kevin O’Brien.
Event Hosting — Outside use of the building is scheduled by the Office Manager. When we have outside groups use our facility, we have a St. John Host who lets them in, is present while they are on the premises and locks up after they leave. Contact Marie Cook.