23225 Gill Road, Farmington Hills MI 48335
OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Thursday: 9:30 am - 3:30 pm
Quick Links
Sundays @ 10:00 am
in the pews and online
Sunday Worship Service
Join us in the pews, in the Zoom or on our facebook page.
Our Sunday service includes music, scripture readings and Holy Communion. If you are worshipping with us online, have some bread and/or wine or juice handy so you can join in the sacrament.
Zoom Meeting ID: 753 4674 0584
Wednesday, November 13 @
10:00 am at Blue Hat Coffee
Women of St. John
Ladies! Join us for brunch and conversation on the second Wednesday and the fourth Monday of each month. We meet at 10:00 am at Blue Hat Coffee in downtown Farmington. All women are invited to join us!
For more information, contact Gilda Bingham or Loraine Stear.
Thursdays @ 10:30 am
in the conference room
Thursday Bible Study
Pastor Mark leads our Bible study each week.
For the rest of the summer, we will be studying the Book of Mark.
All are welcome! You will not need to attend every session to keep up. Here is an outline for the discussion.
Thursday, November 7 @ 6:00 pm
in the MPR
Speaking Peace
Welcome to our new speaker series as we hear from people working The Peace within our community. We will explore ways that we can live out our call to love God and our neighbors, acting on our values of Compassion, Mercy, Justice, Forgiveness and Grace.
Our first speaker will be Lisa Murrel, Executive Director of Community Living Centers. Her topic will be "Empowering Adults with Disabilities to Achieve Their Dreams."
A light meal will be provided. On-site childcare will be available. Please sign up here so we know how many are coming. More information here.
Call the church office
Free Tutoring
Volunteers provide tutoring FREE to children in grades 1-6. Tutoring takes place in the afternoons or evenings in the church building. Assistance in reading and math are available.
Please call the church office at 284-474-0584 for more information.
Thursdays @ 7:00 am
at L. George's Restaurant
Men's Breakfast
All men are invited to join us for breakfast and conversation at:
L. George's
24250 Sinacola
Farmington 48335 map
We will gather at 7:00 am for fellowship and have our meal and Bible study at 8:00 am. Come when you can!
Saturday, November 9
beginning at 10:00 am
Fall Cleanup
Helpers are Needed!
It's time for fall cleanup! We also will be removing the shrubs in front of our lighted sign and installing some 4X4 posts that will support banners all year round (even in the windy season!).
We will start at 10:00 am. Come when you can and leave when you must. Many hands make light work! There will be something for everyone to do.
Here's the list of projects we plan to undertake. If you can help with any of these, please come! And if you have tools that would be useful, please bring them. Thank you!
"When I was lonely, you visited me."
Pathways in Compassion
Approximately half of all people living in nursing homes have been essentially abandoned. They have no visitors and no one to advocate for them.
Pathways in Compassion is a nursing home visitation ministry that matches volunteers with individuals living in nursing facilities who do not have regular visitors. For more information about our nursing home ministry, and to get your copy of our Pathways in Compassion booklet, click here.
Sundays @ 4:00 pm
in the MPR
AA Meetings
ZOOM meetings: For audio only on your landline or mobile phone,
call 929 205 6099 or 312 626 6799 (long distance charges may apply) and enter the Meeting ID.
For most meetings, you will be placed in a waiting room and admitted when the meeting begins.