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Pastor Mark Fisher

About Communion Participation

Based on the conversation about the topic of Communion Participation during the congregational meeting on 9-22-24, I would like to share with you a revised statement that accurately reflects our current practice and will serve as a foundation moving forward.

Suggested Statement for Communion Participation

a. It is the belief of this congregation that participation in the “Lord’s Supper is the reception of “the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ given with bread and wine, instituted by Christ himself for us to eat and drink.”

b. We acknowledge that the ELCA requires that all people should be baptized before receiving this sacrament.

c. We invite all people who receive communion in a different denomination to our table recognizing the power in the unity of all believers.

d. We recognize that our order of service (including confession) leading to The Words of Institution prepares people to receive the sacrament.

e. We recognize that the Holy Spirit may lead someone who is not baptized and who is participating in our service to partake in the sacrament. As an act of grace, we will not withhold the sacrament from such a person.

f. When a person desires to move into membership, we will explain that baptism is required for participation in communion as a member of the church.

g. We will offer communion classes to all of those who have been baptized.

h. We recommend that children under school age receive a blessing. Starting at grade  school age, children will receive classes prior to taking communion.

If you would like to talk with me about this statement, I will be available after service this week to discuss further.


Pr. Mark

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