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Writer's pictureKevin O'Brien

Stewards of God’s Love

Last week Dave Androvich talked about how giving, like the tree, is the trunk that makes what we do possible.

But that is the “what and how” of stewardship.  I want to talk about the “why.” Why give.  There is a difference. Budgets/plans should not be the basis for our response. Stewardship or a Steward is a caretaker / overseer of what has been given to them.

1 Timothy 6:17 reminds us not to put our hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.

Romans 11:36  For everything comes from Him and exists by His power and is intended for His glory.

There is danger in falling into a “my” or “mine” mentality, in particular with regard to financial matters.  Stewardship encompasses so much more than just money.  It’s about Everything.  It’s a mindset and a lifestyle.

2 Corinthians 9:6 Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.

While it sounds Transactional (i.e., “I give X to get Y”) I hear it describing our relationship with God.   

That’s where I was for a while in my spiritual journey, transactional, until I came to see that by praying first for guidance, over time, meant growing closer to and depending on God to lead me.  It’s kind of a blessing; depending on a faithful God rather than just me.

There is blessing in the act of giving generously. We become real vested partners in walking with God and sharing his love. Jesus seems a less distant “being” and more like a brother who walks alongside of me.


My practice has grown to become a response to the love God first showed me.  Grateful for all He has entrusted to me. I’ve come to see that my response in giving reveals my true priorities in life. But by deciding prayerfully, not transactionally, I’ve grown spiritually and continue to do so. 

We can intentionally cultivate this Spirit of Generosity. Sow God’s love generously, and if we allow it to transform our minds, we reap generously.

So what results from our personal stewardship when we gather it together with others as God’s family?

Galations 6:2  Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

Look at the love, support, and service that flows from this congregation, reaching not only one another but our neighbors and the world beyond. We are making a difference in countless lives. We are a beacon of hope, light, and love. 

Why does this happen? It happens because we are rooted in faith. It happens because God is with us, empowering us, strengthening us, and guiding us. It happens because each one of us, despite our ability or size, chooses to invest in something larger than ourselves. And it happens through our collective stewardship: our time, our talents, and, yes, our money.  Our stewardship of God’s love.  A response to a more real and living God.  An awesome result, as God would have it.

So, as we move forward in our stewardship efforts this year, I want to remind all of us that we are not just doing good work here; we are part of a divine purpose. Every pledge, every act of service, every prayer we offer, is part of a larger story that God is writing through us. And though we may be small by the world’s standards, we are mighty in faith and in the impact we are making together.

Thank you for being a part of this story God is writing and being a steward of God’s love. Thank you for your continued generosity and support. May we continue to give, not only from abundance, but from our hearts, knowing that with God’s help, we are capable of far more than we could ever imagine.


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