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When I First Heard God

Pastor Mark Fisher

This past Sunday morning I was taking a short walk before getting ready for church. Strolling along, thinking about my sermon, suddenly I heard a song.  A lower note followed by a higher note followed by three slightly lower notes with a bit more sustain. It was the song of the Morning Dove.


Walking along, this song carried me back to the age of 5 or 6 visiting my brother the preacher in South Dakota. He lived in a small farming town.  The biggest business was the granary. With a population of about 300 it was quiet. Corn fields were everywhere just outside of the town’s boundaries. But in the morning, you could hear that song the song of the Morning Dove.


Last Sunday morning, that song then took me back to riding my bike on hot summer tar roads, just outside that small South Dakota town. The smell of tarmac seemed reborn as well. Fresh tar on a hot sunny day, might not have been healthy but it made me feel whole.


The country made this city boy feel at peace leaving my city struggles behind at the tender age of 5-6-7-8 or 9. It was the Morning Dove telling me that everything is going to be all right. And that is when I first heard from God.


And now as the preacher that bird’s song I heard for the first time 65 years ago is the same as it has always been.  Telling me that everything is going to be all right. God speaks to us all the time if we listen. Sometimes in a sermon, sometimes in a song, sometimes in a call from a friend.

Everything is going to be all right if we put our trust in him, who makes all things new!!

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