Dueling Pianos
I was very excited to present Dueling pianos along with my colleague, Narae Joo, from the University of Michigan String Department. The program explored the keyboard repertoire from Bach through modern day repertoire. We enjoyed sharing music from Scarlatti and C.P.E. Bach to Liszt and Mark Hayes.
Click on the photos to see a bigger view!
Thank you to members of our congregation who provided a wonderful reception - Rebecca Parker, Julie Cyrus, Dennis Cyrus and Elaine Pearson. I appreciate the help of the following staff members and volunteers who helped with organization and promotion of the event - Dave Androvich, Marie Cook, Ashleigh Cook and Margie Kober (from Holy Cross Lutheran).

Guest Musicians
Upcoming, Jean Marie Learman will be with us on November 5th for All Saints Sunday. She is a Celtic musician who sings and plays the tin whistle, concertina and other traditional instruments. She and I have collaborated for many years on church services and other music projects. For more information, visit Jean Marie Learman.
On November 19th, Timothy Michling, oboe, will share his talents with us. Tim will play the oboe to complement the music of the service, including the choir anthem on that day. For more information see, Timothy Michling.
Advent Services on Wednesdays in December
We will mark the season of Advent with three special Wednesday services with meals and discussion to follow. The liturgical portion will center on the Holden Evening Prayer. Holden Evening Prayer by Marty Haugen was originally written during the winter of 1986 while the composer was at Holden Village in the North Cascade mountains of Washington state. Holden Evening Prayer has become a favorite among many ELCA congregations. There will be additional Advent songs as well.
Dates: December 6th, 13th and 20th
Time: 6 pm
Location: Church sanctuary with meal to follow in the Multipurpose Room (MPR)
Please sign up to contribute to the meal. Sign-up sheets are in the narthex of the church.
Peace Service
There will be a special service to reflect on the meaning of Peace during the holidays on Saturday, Dec. 16th at St. John. The music for this service will have a jazz focus. This will be my second year leading the music for this service which is a beautiful time of prayer and reflection.
Date: Saturday, December 16th, 2023
Time: 6 pm
Location: Sanctuary
I look forward to meeting each of you. I appreciate your comments or questions on the music program at St. John.
Sean Michael Jackman